
Political scientists, communication scholars, journalists, and others have spent considerable ink enumerating the shortfalls of citizens…

  • selective attention
  • distaste for politics
  • limited political knowledge, uniformed

The proliferation of information sources and channels has amplified the challenges

  • information filter bubbles/echo chambers
  • information overload
  • distrust of media and uncertainty about new sources
  • uninformed, misinformed, disinformed

This is bad

  • declining attention exacerbates political (and thus economic and social) inequalities…
  • leaders (already) attend primarily to the preferences of the affluent and elite…
  • unequal information will make this so much worse…

Another way?

There must be a better way

  • to engage political news,
  • to monitor the activities and attentions of government from a relatively high level,
  • to encourage the consumption of information from multiple and varied sources
  • to lower the barriers to attentive citizenship