Project site for UVA's Spring 2020 Public Interest Data Lab, a core project of the CommPAS Lab
View the Project on GitHub datafordemocracy/public-interest-data-2020
Open the week3-example.R file and the bestpractices.R file in R Studio. Mount the data in Veracrypt and read in the data.
You’ll use the same main variables as before, variable assignments here but please feel free to use any other variables in the data to explore your variables in greater depth. *Note: if you have track as a variable, use track2 instead. *
Your script should contain at minimum 7 exploratory visualizations and 2 publication-ready visualizations (you only need to submit a PDF of one). Exploratory visualizations don’t need aesthetically pleasing colors, renames axes, labels or annotations - these just give us a sense of what’s in the data. The publication-ready visualizations should have labels, colors, annotations, descriptions and the like - everything you’d put into a chart going into the final report.
Send these to the assignments channel on Slack by noon on Monday, March 16th.